Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Quite an Act

A Brazilian actor became a big scare last Friday when he nearly died hanged in interpreting the role of Judas in the dramatization of the Passion of Christ in the framework of the celebrations of Easter.

A Klimeck Thiago touched play the role of Judas Iscariot, the apostle who betrayed Jesus on the Mount of Olives. But when he reached the part where you had to hang himself, lost in the guilt of his betrayal, the actor nearly died of truth for error calculations.

The incident occurred last Friday during a skit performed in the town of Itararé, 345 kilometers west of San Pablo. According to witnesses of the scene, and their own cast mates, pulled the rope Klimeck wrong and lost consciousness, but nobody noticed the accident because they believed he was acting.

Therefore, the actor was for more than 20 minutes unconscious and had to be taken to an emergency room first and then was admitted to a medical center Itapeva near Itararé.

Source:Meta Video

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